Archive for category News and Views

Should the Terms Climate Change and Green Be Banned to Allow a Better Understanding of Managing a Planet

Response to Under the Banyan  – Is it Time to Kill Off Bio-diversity?

1) ‘Climate change’ is a problem. It is too simple a soundbite. It gives the illusion that if you say it, work with it or think you understand it all will be well with the world. Start moving away from ‘climate change’. Replace it with planetary management etc. Change the paradigm. Remember talking about climate change is about as useless as taking a car for an MoT road worthy test and only being concerned about the tyres. These may be OK for another 10,000 miles but you can still run into the back of a bus on leaving the garage because of not understanding the importance of defective brakes, suspension or steering. Climate change needs to be dropped back and more inclusive, accurate, useful and representative concepts need to be explored to.

2) ‘Green’. Get rid of this and put it in the trash bin with Climate change. Never ever use this term. If you can’t explain what you want to say without using ‘green’, then you don’t understand the subject well enough you are communicating. Remember green is the colour of a field of cabbages or a coat of paint. It is a superficial concept and leads people to believe they have an understanding of what lies below, if they just say ‘green’. There was once a political party called the Ecology Party. When it changed its name to the Green party I never bothered with it again. If you use the term ecology, people may be inclined to ask you what you mean by it. If you use green, they may assume they know what it means, and further and deeper communication opportunity is lost. No one has given the subject of contemporary mainstream economics a colour, such as purple. So why do it with ecology and its application to sustainable planetary management. Ban ‘green’ and allow effective dialogue, communication and understanding to begin.

3) Once we have banned terms such as ‘climate change’ and ‘green’ from our vocabulary, then we can start finding other more useful concepts for communication. We need to express the importance of our relationships with the planet, the environment, other organisms and other organisms. Ecology is the study of the inter-relationships of organisms and the environment. Ask yourself am I an organism. If you are, then ecology applies to you. Use cultural concepts to engage people with ecology. Say to a western media savvy audience, Have you seen Star Wars? Can you remember what ‘The Force’ is? Obi-Wan Kenobi, “It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together”, It also takes ecology out of a terrestrial context, eg the heavier elements for life could only have been produced in a supernova explosion. Consider other cultural concepts which may relate to ecology. Laws of Karma?

For me I would not kill off bio-diversity, I would kill off climate change and green. Then using the alternatives of communication, we can explain bio-diversity and all the other important concepts essential to the continuance of life.

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Celtic Lion – Rhidian Was Here

Well Rhidian turned up this afternoon!!

This Rhidian


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Not A Lot of People Know That

The Fukushima Nuclear Complex had only half the design strength to cope with the earthquake last week, measured in ground acceleration.


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A Japanese Joke

How do you tell a Japanese prostitute?

She’s the one in the fishnets.

Another Japanese joke is the Bank of Japan has pumped 33 trillion yen into the financial system to do various financial things. That is £259 billion.

So why is my supermarket collecting loose change for Japanese children. Why is the media full of images of people without food, water or shelter. Why are desperate people wandering on their own looking for the bodies of their loved ones? Why is fuel and heating running out? Why?

Perhaps if they had only put £258 billion into the financial markets, and put £1 billion looking after their people. Perhaps it may have made some slight difference.

Again this insane world has done it again. Why is the imaginary money of the bankers more important than life?

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LongTerm Japanese Earthquake

Addition to world food shortages. Food prices rose after Pakistan and Australian flooding. How much of Japanese coastal food production has been hit.

Following Australian floods concern expressed of pollution damage to coastal waters and Great Barrier Reef.

What is the impact on Japanese coastal waters due to toxins and pollution being swept off the land?

One trigger for Middle East unrest was increase in world food prices. What affect will japanese situation have on global social unrest?

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Libya: An Arab Perspective

Strong editorial from Arab News calling for intervention in Libya from the Arab League.

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What Economic Powerhouse?

Transport Secretary Philip Hammond trying to convince for the need of a high speed rail link, explained the importance of connecting the UK with the ‘economic powerhouse of the south east’.

This would be the south east that is being propped up and is existing on bail outs and subsidies from the rest of the UK after the ‘south east financial powerhouse’ collapsed.

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Hi Paul from Crewe

Watched the morning news and an old friend from Crewe appeared. Paul Bickerton, Watch Manager from Cheshire Fire and Rescue, based in Winsford. Paul is part of the international search teams helping out in Christchurch.

Last time I spoke to Paul I think it was about some cycling thing he was training for. One thing is for certain Paul is the thoughtful level headed person you need in such a situation. All the best.

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Libya: Extreme Scenarios

When trying to predict the outcome of a complex situation, a start is to produce a broad spectrum of scenario options. So what is at the extreme ends of the spectrum.

From today’s speech. From BBC news

“Libya will become a red flame, a burning coal.”

As his supporters waved green flags, the symbol of Col Gaddafi’s rule, he said: “Life without dignity has no value, life without green flags has no value. Sing, dance and prepare yourselves.”

Or Sky news

‘Follow Me Or I Will Burn Libya’

Saif Gaddafi

Plan A live and die in Libya, Plan B live and die in Libya, Plan C live and die in Libya.

And the Colonel did like to mention the Waco siege

Somewhere in all the scenarios the security and intelligence services will be looking at an ‘extreme firework display’.


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Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear

Photo from Daily Mail

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